• FieldConditionsnews

    Bring your farmers the best in field technology with Field Insights

    Our updated Map Components, including Field Conditions and the Crop Growth & Harvest feature, provide helpful data for your farmers' fields but does not rely solely on the map to relay that information. July 30, 2020
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • SendUsYourPhotosWeb

    2021 NAU Country Photo Calendar Contest

    We are gathering photos from the farm in preparation for our 2021 NAU Country Photo Calendar. The theme for this edition is Fun on the Farm! That means any farm-related photos, we want to see - the funnier the better! July 30, 2020
    Featured News Industry NAU Country
  • 2021LivestockUpdatesWeb

    USDA announces Livestock Gross Margin insurance program improvements

    USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced changes to the Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) insurance program for cattle and swine beginning in the 2021 crop year. July 24, 2020
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Political
  • RMA announces date changes due to COVID-19

    RMA Update: COVID-19 FSA Acreage Reporting Date changes

    Given the current situation surrounding COVID-19, the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced additional information on the FSA Acreage Reporting Date as well as Manager's Bulletin MGR-20-015 that was issued on May 28, 2020. July 13, 2020
    Featured News Industry NAU Country News Political
  • USDA_Changes_web

    USDA improves crop insurance policies with new options

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced changes to several crop insurance policies improving options for producers, including introducing a new Quality Loss Option, a new unit structure assignment option for Enterprise Units (EU) and new procedures for Multi-County Enterprise Units (MCEU). July 13, 2020
    Featured News Industry NAU Country News Political
  • NAUConnectionWebinarSeries_web

    NAU Country Connection Webinar Series wants to hear from you!

    We want to extend a sincere thank you to everyone that attended our NAU Country Connection webinar series this last spring. We hope you enjoyed all the valuable topics! We plan to continue these NAU Country Connection webinars this fall. These webinars will not only focus on system trainings, but also informational product trainings. We are looking for ideas from you, on what you would like a refresher on. Contact us today! July 09, 2020
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • AgentMobileNotificationsweb

    Get the information you need with NAU Country's mobile notifications!

    To assist you in providing excellent service to your farmers, NAU Country includes mobile notifications to keep you aware of important information regarding your farmer's policies, claims, and more. Simply log into the NAU Country mobile app and adjust your preferences to start getting these notifications today! July 01, 2020
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • USDA

    RMA Update: Dairy Revenue Protection Sales Period Modification

    The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Risk Management Agency (RMA) has announced modifications to Dairy Revenue Protection sales periods over weekends due to the volatility of milk prices. June 09, 2020
    Industry NAU Country
  • Good Farming Practices

    RMA Update - COVID-19 Additional Deferral of Interest Charges and Acreage Reporting Relief

    Given the current situation surrounding COVID-19, the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Risk Management Agency (RMA) has announced COVID-19 deferral of interest charges and information on the FSA Acreage Reporting Date extension. June 09, 2020
    Industry NAU Country
  • Got Milk Coverage?

    Got milk coverage?

    Our team at NAU Country strives to be your Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) experts! We keep you up to date with the latest DRP notifications from RMA, our DRP quoting and processing system is second to none, and we offer product comparison and price history, milk production logs, and Dairy price alerts! June 02, 2020
    Featured News Industry NAU Country