Featured News
Hassle-Free Crop Insurance Transfers
NAU Country Insurance Company provides Hassle-Free Crop Insurance Policy Transfers. We know the thought of transferring business may seem overwhelming. Let us prove to you how simple it can be! March 11, 2025 -
USDA Expands, Improves Crop Insurance Program for Producers Using Controlled Environments
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is expanding the Controlled Environment pilot crop insurance program to an additional 48 counties in 17 states for 2026 and succeeding crop years. March 11, 2025 -
NAU Country Celebrates FFA Week - February 15-22, 2025
NAU Country and the QBE Foundation proudly support National FFA Week (February 15-22, 2025)! Our partnership and sponsorship with the National FFA Foundation help set future farmers up for success. Plus, mark your calendars for Give FFA Day on Thursday, February 20, 2025! February 14, 2025
Join our Spring 2021 NAU Country Connection training webinars
Refresh your product and system knowledge this spring with the NAU Country Connection Webinar Series. Back by popular demand, this series focuses on Production and Acreage Reporting systems, Crop-Hail and EASYmapping® features, and our weather metrics tools. For some, these courses will serve as refreshers for the time of year, and for others, it may be completely new material. We customize our training to assist both types of users. March 30, 2021 -
Crop Insurance Basics: Actual Production History
One of crop insurance’s defining attributes is its self-correcting nature. Collecting and analyzing a producer’s Actual Production History (APH), which takes into account a grower’s actual yields over a period of time, also compares performance to other farms within the county and surrounding communities. A higher APH may mean paying lower premiums. March 26, 2021 -
This Crop Enhanced Coverage Option Provides Well-Needed Assurance to the American Farmer — in Addition to Saving Costs and Advancing Risk Management
With the American farmer and the evolving threats to their livelihood in mind, Jim Korin, President of NAU Country, was featured in Risk & Insurance discussing the Enhanced Coverage Option. With the main goal to help farmers bounce back in the event their losses exceed traditional coverage, this new product took tenacity, work, and planning to come about. Find out more in this recent article. March 09, 2021 -
Go the EXTRA MILE for your farmer this hail season
As a NAU Country agent, you have access to sign up to receive a hail notification when hail has potentially hit your farmers’ fields, but did you know that NAU Country offers this same service to your farmers through our Insured Hail Notifications? March 08, 2021 -
Crop Insurance Basics: Good Farming Practices
Good Farming Practices, or GFPs, are constantly evolving to keep pace with new technologies and changes in the market, weather, and land management. These practices are rooted in science and data and are based on regional research. In other words, GFPs must be proven to work. March 03, 2021 -
EASYsign® made even easier with expanded functionality
EASYwriter Pro's eSign functionality has been rebranded and is now called EASYsign. In addition to the rebranding, new user-friendly features have also been released. February 17, 2021 -
USDA temporarily suspends debt collections, foreclosures, and other activities on farm loans
Due to the national public health emergency caused by coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the temporary suspension of past-due debt collections and foreclosures for distressed borrowers under the Farm Storage Facility Loan and the Direct Farm Loan programs administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) February 10, 2021 -
USDA announces implementation improvements of Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Insurance Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced that further changes to its Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) insurance plan will take effect on January 20 for crop year 2021 and succeeding crop years. January 22, 2021 -
Is the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) right for you?
NAU Country’s drive and focus to deliver risk management solutions for the American Farmer has led to the development of the new Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO). Now, we need to know if it's right for you! Our quoting system offers accurate ECO quoting on your insured's policy, the ability to view their Individual APH and how it correlates to county values, and analyze "what if" indemnity loss performance in the Historical Analyzer. We also provide a surplus of sales tools including an ECO brochure, product overview, and radio and print ad templates. January 21, 2021 -
Boost your knowledge! Attend the 2021 NAU Country Connection Webinar Series
Crop Insurance sales season is here! Gain product and system knowledge to impress your prospects by attending the NAU Country Connection Webinar Series. This short series focuses on the Enhanced Coverage Option product and system features, the Quality Loss Option, Easy sales with EASYquote, Applications and EASYsign, and how to take your summer back with preliminary acreage reports! January 11, 2021