• Agrimatics_web

    NAU Country Launches Grain Cart Reporting with Agrimatics™

    NAU Country Insurance Company and Agrimatics, a leading agricultural software technology company, announced a partnership to help their customers – the American Farmer – more efficiently report production for their crop insurance policies. September 07, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Technology
  • Communication_web

    Communication is key in crop insurance

    Recognizing mental stress and lending an empathetic ear, as well as clear communication on claims processes, has become a beacon for many farmers. Insurance Business America spoke with NAU Country's Dale Feilmeier and Andy Brallier about how our claims teams are focusing on empathy and communication to help provide the best customer service for our farmers. August 11, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country
  • NAUConnectionWebinarSeries_web

    Introducing the Fall NAU Country Connection Webinar Series - New Classes Posted!

    To increase value in our partnership, last year we introduced our webinar training series titled “NAU Country Connection”. Our trainings focused on how to best utilize NAU Country systems during the crop insurance cycle, being relevant to the appropriate time of year. We are reintroducing this series with not only an emphasis on system training, but we will also touch on some strategic products and procedures to assist you this sales season. August 08, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • EmergencyRelief_web

    RMA Extends Deadlines, Waives Interest Deferral for Emergency Drought Relief

    The RMA is authorizing Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs) to allow policyholders additional time to make payments. The RMA is aware of concerns about the requirements to pay crop insurance premiums timely in order to avoid accrual of interest. July 29, 2021
    Featured News Industry Political
  • UnderservedProducers_Web

    USDA Funds Risk Management Education for Historically Underserved Producers

    The USDA announced in a Press Release that that they are investing nearly $1 million in funding for universities and nonprofits to develop risk management training and educational tools aimed to assist historically underserved farmers and ranchers. This investment will include RMA projects to help producers manage long-term risks and challenges. July 29, 2021
    Featured News Industry Political
  • DroughtWeb

    RMA Authorizes Emergency Procedures to Help with Extreme Drought Conditions

    The USDA's Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced in a Press Release and Manager's Bulletin announcement (MGR-21-005) that emergency procedures are being authorized in order to assist drought-impacted producers. July 14, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country
  • Farmers Emphasize to Congress Importance of Crop Insurance

    Farmers Emphasize to Congress Importance of Crop Insurance

    Farmers from across the country testified in June before a House Agriculture Subcommittee hearing examining the efficacy of the farm safety net. The crop insurance program gives farmers predictable tools to manage their unique risks. Farmers invest in crop insurance before a disaster – sharing in the risk – and they know how the rules of their policy will help them recover. July 14, 2021
    Featured News Industry Political
  • MFA_Web

    NAU Country keeps your accounts secure

    NAU Country is well equipped to ensure IT Security for you and your policyholders, and your privacy will be protected. We is implementing security measures in the form of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for our Agents and Farmers this year. July 12, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • Illinois cover crop incentive

    Producers can now hay, graze, and chop cover crops any time and still receive full prevented planting payment

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA) added this flexibility as part of a broader effort to encourage producers to use cover crops, an important conservation and good farming practice. Cover crops are especially important on fields prevented from planting as they help reduce soil erosion and boost soil health. July 07, 2021
    Featured News Industry
  • Crop Insurance Basics - Risk Mitigation and Risk Management

    Crop Insurance Basics: Risk Mitigation and Risk Management

    Risk mitigation and risk management are two sides of the same coin when it comes to improving agricultural outcomes and promoting climate-smart decisions. Risk mitigation represents all the steps farmers and ranchers take to reduce the amount of risk they face. Risk management embodies all the steps farmers and ranchers take to manage the costs and impacts of the many uncontrolled risks they still face. June 30, 2021
    Featured News Industry
  • Mark Mossman

    7 Critical Risks Facing the Agriculture Industry

    Staying on top of the top agriculture risks, QBE NAU Country’s own Mark Mossman, SVP Claims – Crop, talks about how extreme weather and the political landscape can impact the American Farmer with Risk & Insurance in 7 Critical Risks Facing the Agriculture Industry. June 29, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Technology
  • StressTraining_web

    Crop adjusters get training in signs of mental distress

    Because they work closely with farmers, crop adjusters are in a unique position to help farmers with something other than crop loss — mental distress. June 23, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Technology
  • USDA_Payments_web

    USDA to Begin Payments for Producers Impacted by 2018 and 2019 Natural Disasters

    More than $1 billion in payments will be released over the next several weeks starting June 15 for agricultural producers with approved applications for the Quality Loss Adjustment (QLA) Program and for producers who have already received payments through the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus (WHIP+). June 14, 2021
    Featured News Industry Political
  • PCCP_Web

    New Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP) announced by the USDA and RMA

    The USDA announced today that many agricultural producers that have cop insurance coverage may be eligible for a premium benefit if they planted cover crops during this crop year. The Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP) is offered through the USDA's Risk Management Agency (RMA) to help maintain a producers cover crop system, regardless of economic challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Application deadline is June 15. June 01, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country News Political
  • CommodityMarkets_web

    Sign up for Commodity Market Commentary options

    We have made our Commodity Market features more accessible in ONE central location through our Agent Portal, Farmer Portal, and NAU Country mobile. Review past editions of the Opening Bell, Market Report, The afterMATH webinars, and Kicking Up Dust podcasts. Reference our NAU Country Crop Scout Insights (CSI) which gives you a state-by-state update on how crops are doing from the eyes of our own farmers. May 19, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country News Technology
  • Field Insights Planting Assistance

    Planting assistance with Field Insights®

    Spring planting season is here and NAU Country's flagship farmer tool, Field Insights® is here to support our farmers in the field. In addition, Field Insights' location-specific environmental intelligence helps plan for preventative actions when frost is in the forecast. Frost alerting capabilities within Field Insights is part of NAU Country's focus on sustainable farming. May 06, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country News Technology
  • Field Insights_WFRP

    Field level weather data is now available in Field Insights® on all Livestock and non-mapped policies

    NAU Country agents will now be able to sign into Field Insights® and show MPCI and Livestock farmers that they can utilize Field Insights whether or not they have mapped fields on their policy. May 06, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country News Technology
  • Crop Insurance Basics - Incentives

    Crop Insurance Basics: Incentives

    Policy makers designed crop insurance with a self-correcting feature that naturally discounts premium for any producer who improves their performance. This catch-all incentive rewards any behavior that increases yields and reduces risk for farmers and taxpayers. April 22, 2021
    Featured News Industry Political
  • After a year of hardship, hope lies ahead!

    After a Year of Hardship, Hope Lies Ahead

    More than 55 agricultural trade associations, agribusinesses, and farm lenders recently sent letters to policy makers and elected officials emphasizing that cuts to crop insurance must be avoided in this year’s budget discussions, as the certainty provided by the crop insurance program makes it a “critical linchpin of the farm safety net.” April 21, 2021
    Featured News Industry Political
  • DRP_QCE_web

    NAU Country takes pride in making business simple

    The NAU Country mobile app allows you to add a Quarterly Coverage Endorsement (QCE) to Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) policies. Lock in your QCE during an open sales period from your NAU Country mobile app. Then capture your farmers signature either in person with eSign, or through a push notification to their mobile device when they are not present. April 12, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country News Technology

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