• CropTechnology_web

    Technological Advances Are a Boon for Farmers, So Long As They Have The Right Insurance Partner

    NAU Country’s deep knowledge of the agricultural sector, combined with its savvy approach to technology, make it a stalwart risk management partner for the American farmer. June 01, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Technology
  • USDA_Web

    New Emergency Relief Program (ERP) released by USDA

    The U.S Department of Agriculture announced that commodity and specialty crop producers impacted by natural disaster events in 2020 and 2021 will soon begin receiving emergency relief payments totaling approximately $6 billion through the Farm Service Agency’s new Emergency Relief Program to offset crop yield and value losses. May 18, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country
  • Communication_web

    Your One Stop for Policyholder Resources

    As an Approved Insurance Provider (AIP), NAU Country takes pride in keeping you up-to-date on crop insurance changes, enabling you to best assist the American farmer. That is why we offer resources to find this information fast and efficiently! May 09, 2022
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • FarmStoryKey

    President’s Budget Recognizes Crop Insurance is Key to Farm Safety Net

    The President released his proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 budget that fully funds the federal crop insurance program in recognition of the indispensable role that crop insurance plays in the farm safety net. The release of the FY 2023 Budget follows a letter sent to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Secretary of Agriculture by 55 farming, banking, and conservation organizations asking that the administration protect crop insurance from harmful budget cuts. April 13, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Political
  • ConnectionsNewsStory

    Spring NAU Country Connection Webinar Series - Classes Posted!

    Ready to sharpen your skills and knowledge this spring? The NAU Country Connection Call Webinar Series is back! This season’s series will focus on EASYmapping®, Crop-Hail Applications and Quoting, EASYview Weather and Hail Notifications, Claims Submissions and Tracking, Acreage Reporting with SMARTsign, Farmer Focused Tools, and Field Insights®. April 12, 2022
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • EASYsign_web

    Crop insurance paperwork made easy with EASYsign®

    EASYsign offers modern day technology to allow completion of crop insurance reporting and claim documentation where and when it’s convenient for you. Securely review and sign documents via email! April 12, 2022
    Featured News NAU Country News Technology
  • LinkedforSucess_web

    Linked for Success with EASYwriter Pro® Companion Policies

    Do you have policyholders with shared ground? If so, utilize Companion Policies within EASYwriter Pro® to make policy management between the two a breeze! April 07, 2022
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • Mick_COO_web

    NAU Country appoints Michael "Mick" Deal as Chief Operating Officer

    NAU Country Insurance Company today announced the appointment of Michael "Mick" Deal as Chief Operating Officer. In this role, he will lead Claims, Legal and Compliance, Technology and Underwriting. James Korin remains President of NAU Country and will continue to oversee all aspects of the business, with a heightened focus on serving customers and the American farmer, along with the strategic initiatives for the organization. March 21, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country News
  • ThreeC_web

    The three “C’s”: Crop Insurance, Climate, and Conservation

    America’s farmers have survived droughts, hurricanes, derechos, floods, fires, and a global pandemic. Through it all, farmers have kept farming. One constant throughout these past several years has been the availability of Federal crop insurance. March 15, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country
  • CyberWeb

    Betting the Farm - Cyber security is essential for public trust in our food chain

    NAU Country's Chief Operation Officer Michael (Mick) Deal recently connected with Leaders Edge Magazine, discussing how cyber security is of the utmost importance in the digital transformation of the food and agriculture sector. March 11, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Technology
  • Roger Wittum

    Rogers Wittum Presented Crop Insurance Industry Leadership Award

    NAU Country's Rogers Wittum received the distinguished Crop Insurance Industry Leadership award at the recent 2022 Crop Insurance Industry Annual Convention recently held in Indian Wells, CA. Congratulations to Rogers on this well deserved honor! March 10, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country
  • SupportCropInsurance_web

    Crop insurance earns bipartisan praise at congressional hearing

    Crop insurance is the cornerstone of the farm safety net and an invaluable risk management tool for America’s farmers. This message was underscored during a recent House Agriculture Subcommittee hearing called by Subcommittee Chairwoman Cheri Bustos (D-IL). March 08, 2022
    Featured News Industry Political
  • Bill_web

    William Pearson Presented Crop Insurance Friend of the Industry Award

    William “Bill” Pearson, Huisenga Pearson, is the recipient of the 2022 Crop Insurance Friend of the Industry Award, which was presented during the 2022 Crop Insurance Industry Annual Convention last week in Indian Wells, CA. The Friend of the Industry award recognizes an individual who provides exceptional and notable contributions to the crop insurance industry. March 04, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country

    USDA Announces Supplemental American Rescue Plan Funding Available through the Local Agriculture Market Program

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced supplemental American Rescue Plan Act funding for the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP). In fiscal year 2022, LAMP will receive a total of $97 million in competitive grant funding to help local and regional food entities develop, coordinate and expand producer-to-consumer marketing, local and regional food markets and local food enterprises. March 03, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Political
  • MoveUp_story

    NAU Country rises to number two in NCIS rankings

    NAU Country Insurance Company is excited to announce that through the successful expansion of the business, the company now holds the number two position in the National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS) rankings. February 28, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country
  • Farm_Story

    Farm & Ranch Market: Evolving to Mitigate the Risks of Today

    While the farm and ranch insurance space faces different risks than other property lines, many challenges of insuring those risks are often the same. Namely, extreme weather and natural catastrophes, which have tightened conditions in farm and ranch in some of the toughest states. February 22, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country News
  • PCCP

    Producers with Crop Insurance to Receive Premium Benefit for Cover Crops

    Agricultural producers who have coverage under most crop insurance policies are eligible for a premium benefit from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) if they planted cover crops during the 2022 crop year. To receive the benefit from this year’s Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP), producers must report cover crop acreage by March 15, 2022. February 10, 2022
    Featured News News
  • Prelim_Acreage

    Take your summer back with Preliminary Acreage Reporting!

    NAU Country offers Preliminary Acreage Reporting! This functionality allows you to process your preliminary acres early in the crop year. Freeing up your time to relax this summer. February 10, 2022
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • ClaimsFeature

    Claims Toolkit

    Offer exceptional customer service to your policyholders by utilizing NAU Country’s Claim Tracking tools. Do you want to be the first to update your policyholders when an indemnity check is on the way, follow-up with them when an adjuster contact log has been created, and always be aware of their claim status when they call? If so, take advantage of the various Claim Tracking tools we offer! Click here to find out more! February 09, 2022
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • RMA_Covid_web

    RMA COVID-19 Relief Update

    The Risk Management Agency (RMA) issued Manager’s Bulletins to provide program flexibilities recognizing the potential impact and challenges due to COVID-19. Previously issued Manager’s Bulletins providing COVID-19 relief continue to apply through the effective dates as provided. January 24, 2022
    Featured News Industry News Political

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