• SystemUpdate_web

    NAU Country System Requirements

    After Sunday, January 16, 2022, users will no longer be able to access certain NAU Country systems from Internet Explorer (IE). We recommend installing the latest version of Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari. Learn more! January 10, 2022
    Agent Farmer NAU Country Technology
  • Our Commitment to Data Security, Keying Efficiency, and the Future

    Our Commitment to Data Security, Keying Efficiency, and the Future

    Every day, we hear of another company getting infected by the newest and latest round of phishing attacks, ransomware, or other cybersecurity breaches. At NAU Country, it is our goal to provide safety, security, and efficiency to you at all times. Safety in knowing that our support for you and your farmers will not waver, security in providing systems and solutions to keep your personal information safe, and creating efficiencies in your day-to-day processes and systems. These goals can be accomplished through keeping our flagship software EASYwriter Pro® (EWP) on a strong, stable platform, and for us (as well as many other Fortune 500 companies) that platform is Citrix. January 05, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Technology
  • 11-30MicroFarm_web

    AACI Issue Alert - Small-scale, local producers get improved insurance coverage through new Micro Farm policy

    Today, USDA’s Risk Management Agency issued a press release announcing that producers with small-scale farms who sell locally can now get simplified insurance coverage through a new policy designed for their needs. USDA developed the new Micro Farm policy, which simplifies recordkeeping and covers post-production costs like washing and value-added products. November 30, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Political
  • DroughtWeb

    NAU Country weighs in on continued drought conditions out west

    NAU Country's John Wienstroer (SVP Western Branch Operations) and Mark Masters (SVP Northwest Branch Operations) connected with Risk & Insurance earlier this month, discussing how crops and farmers have been continuously impacted by unpredictable climate and weather patterns, including drought conditions, and how it's affecting all involved going forward. November 18, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country
  • EASYMapping_CustomViews_Web

    EASYmapping® Custom Views

    We are excited to announce that our EASYmapping Custom Views system functionality has been enhanced. Our EASYmapping Custom Views offers the ability to build the custom views your insureds are looking for with our self-service, no hassle mapping customizations. Create, modify, and sort custom views to make acreage reporting easier and more efficient! November 11, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • PaperlessBilling_web

    Coming Soon! Paperless Billing Statement Enrollment

    NAU Country is proud to announce that we will offer Paperless Billing Statements, beginning in 2022! Enhance your customer service by offering a convenient and clutter-free solution to your farmers. Paperless billing eliminates extra paper mail, while also helping the environment, and did we mention it cuts back on the clutter? By going paperless, your farmers will receive a billing notification via email, and can access their statement by utilizing our free online Farmer Portal. November 11, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • CyberMondayFeature

    Looking for a Holiday Gift for your Insureds?

    We have the perfect solution with NAU Country’s Cyber Monday sale! Our Cyber Monday sale offers ½ price Wall Maps! What a great personalized gift to surprise your insureds with this year. November 11, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Technology
  • billingreminder_web

    Fall 2021 billing reminders

    NAU Country has updated several of our billing processes in 2021, and the Risk Management Agency (RMA) has also offered an interest deferral due to drought conditions. With these changes in place, we want to ensure you and your farmers are prepared with resources, we’ve put together the following items to assist this billing season. November 04, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country Technology
  • New Farm Bill

    Short-term spending bill approved

    As of Thursday, September 30, 2021, a short-term spending bill has been approved to avoid a government shutdown. As NAU Country Insurance Company learns more, we will keep you informed. September 30, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Political
  • Gov_Shutdown_web

    NAU Country Insurance Company is prepared to keep you covered during a government shutdown

    In the case of a government shutdown, NAU Country wants to make sure you are reassured of our commitment to our agents and policyholders. In addition, we will continue to keep you informed as we learn more from RMA. September 29, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country Political