Producers with Crop Insurance to Receive Premium Benefit for Cover Crops

    Agricultural producers who have coverage under most crop insurance policies are eligible for a premium benefit from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) if they planted cover crops during the 2022 crop year. To receive the benefit from this year’s Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP), producers must report cover crop acreage by March 15, 2022. February 10, 2022
    Featured News News
  • RMA_Covid_web

    RMA COVID-19 Relief Update

    The Risk Management Agency (RMA) issued Manager’s Bulletins to provide program flexibilities recognizing the potential impact and challenges due to COVID-19. Previously issued Manager’s Bulletins providing COVID-19 relief continue to apply through the effective dates as provided. January 24, 2022
    Featured News Industry News Political
  • Agroview

    NAU Country Signs Deal with Agriculture Intelligence for Agroview, the Next Innovation for Crop Insurance

    Agriculture Intelligence, a precision agriculture-science company combining automation, remote sensing and artificial intelligence to provide cloud-based, precision data for specialty crops, has announced a multi-year partnership with NAU Country for its award-winning AI platform Agroview. January 20, 2022
    Featured News NAU Country News Technology
  • Corn

    USDA announces details of new PACE insurance option for conservation-minded corn farmers

    The USDA's Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced in a Press Release and Product Management Bulletin (PM-22-001) on the new Post Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) insurance program. January 11, 2022
    Featured News Industry NAU Country News
  • HistoricLoss Web

    Crop Insurance Basics: Historic Drought Loss

    Millions of farmers trust crop insurance to help manage their risks, including drought, and farmers have already spoken out about the importance of the farm safety net and crop insurance during years like these. September 22, 2021
    Featured News Industry News
  • PCCP_Web

    New Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP) announced by the USDA and RMA

    The USDA announced today that many agricultural producers that have cop insurance coverage may be eligible for a premium benefit if they planted cover crops during this crop year. The Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP) is offered through the USDA's Risk Management Agency (RMA) to help maintain a producers cover crop system, regardless of economic challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Application deadline is June 15. June 01, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country News Political
  • CommodityMarkets_web

    Sign up for Commodity Market Commentary options

    We have made our Commodity Market features more accessible in ONE central location through our Agent Portal, Farmer Portal, and NAU Country mobile. Review past editions of the Opening Bell, Market Report, The afterMATH webinars, and Kicking Up Dust podcasts. Reference our NAU Country Crop Scout Insights (CSI) which gives you a state-by-state update on how crops are doing from the eyes of our own farmers. May 19, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country News Technology
  • Field Insights Planting Assistance

    Planting assistance with Field Insights®

    Spring planting season is here and NAU Country's flagship farmer tool, Field Insights® is here to support our farmers in the field. In addition, Field Insights' location-specific environmental intelligence helps plan for preventative actions when frost is in the forecast. Frost alerting capabilities within Field Insights is part of NAU Country's focus on sustainable farming. May 06, 2021
    Featured News Industry NAU Country News Technology
  • Field Insights_WFRP

    Field level weather data is now available in Field Insights® on all Livestock and non-mapped policies

    NAU Country agents will now be able to sign into Field Insights® and show MPCI and Livestock farmers that they can utilize Field Insights whether or not they have mapped fields on their policy. May 06, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country News Technology
  • DRP_QCE_web

    NAU Country takes pride in making business simple

    The NAU Country mobile app allows you to add a Quarterly Coverage Endorsement (QCE) to Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) policies. Lock in your QCE during an open sales period from your NAU Country mobile app. Then capture your farmers signature either in person with eSign, or through a push notification to their mobile device when they are not present. April 12, 2021
    Featured News NAU Country News Technology