NAU Country News

Go the EXTRA MILE for your farmer this hail season

As a NAU Country agent, you have access to sign up to receive a hail notification when hail has potentially hit your farmers’ fields, but did you know that NAU Country also offers this same service to your farmers through our Insured Hail Notifications? Read below to see how our EASYview Weather system and our Hail Notifications go the extra mile to bring your farmers the best in service this hail season!

How do I use the tools together? 

When you are signed up for Hail Probability reports, you will be notified via email if hail (measuring at .50" or greater)ExtraMile_Web has potentially hit any of your farmers' fields. Once you have received the notification, simply enter the policy number from the Hail Probability report into our EASYview Weather system. The EASYview Weather system will provide you with a map that shows which fields were potentially affected, what portion of the field was affected, and what size hail hit the field. In addition, you can also see the wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, dew point, and current weather conditions of the field. Once this information is displayed, you may either print these maps to bring to your farmer, or follow up with a phone call. Additionally, you could save the map and send it to them electronically. We are sure they will appreciate the notification and the detail!

How to receive Agent Hail Probability Notifications
We want you to be the first to know when potential damage hits your farmers' crops so that we can provide top-notch customer service together!

Your farmers only have a few days to submit their crop insurance notice of loss after a storm. We're here to help them meet that deadline! We will email you directly whenever your farmers' policies may have been affected by a possible hail event within the past 24 hours.

If you or your agency are not currently signed up to receive our Hail Probability notifications, click here to sign up before another storm hits. Opt-in once and you'll be set for succeeding crop years!

How your Insureds' can receive Hail Notifications
To enroll in the Hail Notifications, your farmers can self-enroll through either the Farmer Portal under the Account Preferences page or from the NAU Country mobile app under Account Preferences listed under the Actions section.


This service sends out an email notification to your farmer if the probability of hail greater than .5” is detected within a buffered radius of one mile around each field or section (for unmapped or non-EASYhail) that exists on their policy. The email will contain their policy number, county, and crops potentially affected, and will provide a link to their policy within EASYview Weather. The EASYview Weather system will open on the policy and hail event in question for further analysis and exploration. This notification gives them the opportunity to review the notification, check on the potential damage, and contact you in the case of a loss.

What is the time frame of alerts?
The Hail Notification enrollments will carry over from year to year. The time frame that the emails are sent out is from March 15 through September 30. Only one email will be sent out per day.

You can help sign your farmers up for alerts too!
You can also assist with your farmer's enrollment for notifications through the Agent Portal's My Farmers Preferences or through the NAU Country mobile app. However, they must have a Farmer Portal account before you can enroll them. Below is a link to the Quick Reference Guide on How to Sign up for Hail Notifications, this will walk your farmers through how to sign up for a Farmer Portal account. They can opt-in to receive the notifications through the Help menu>Account Preferences section within their Farmer Portal account. Once they have been enrolled, the service rolls from year to year, so no need to opt-in again. Note: Both Agents and Insureds have the ability to opt-out of these notifications, at any point in time. 

This service to our agents and agencies has proven to be very valuable and helps move the potential claims process along quickly. With the ability for our farmers to have the same opportunity to sign up for these alerts, it will open lines of communication on all sides.

Check out the links and the video below to see how our EASYview Weather system and Hail Notifications work together!

If you or your farmers are interested in Hail Notifications and/or EASYview Weather, contact your NAU Country Marketing Representative today if you have any questions!

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