Commission Factors

2023 A&O Factor Update

July 22, 2024

As you are probably aware, RMA determines the final industry factor for the 2023 A&O in October 2024. We utilize this information to determine agent commissions. The factor changes monthly until that date. The July accounting report reflected industry uncapped A&O of $2,662,003,510 and the statutory cap of $1,283,432,191. The factor is developed from these numbers and is currently at 48.21% ($1,283,432,191 / $2,662,003,510). The number is changing as more industry wide premiums are processed and/or adjusted for the 2023 year.

In 2023, we are currently paying commissions at 47.25%.

Thank you,
NAU Country

2024 A&O Factor Update

April 10, 2024

In 2024, we are currently paying commissions at 52.00%.

Thank you,
NAU Country