Field Insights® fresh new look and feel to map components
NAU Country's flagship farmer tool Field Insights® has a new look and feel on several map component features. These new changes come accompanied by the same reliable data and useful information that is available at all times to our farmers and agents. Take a peek at the updated look for Field Conditions – Planting Conditions and 10-Day Forecast, Spray Advisor, Soil data, and Historical Weather tools.
Updated Map Components look and feel
Our Map Components feature provides helpful data for your farmers' fields, but does not rely solely on the map to relay that information. You and your farmers can access the map components data by clicking on a Field Card or by clicking on a field shown within the map. Once a field is selected, click on the “Select a Component” tab and choose an option from the drop-down menu. Let’s review the updated elements in more detail.
What's new / updated?
Navigation - Within the Select a Component drop-down menu, the component navigation has been simplified to list out five basic titles:
- Field Conditions
- Spray Advisor
- Crop Growth & Harvest
- Soils
- Historical Weather
Click on each component option for the corresponding data to appear.
Field Conditions – There are three data options to choose from.
- Current Conditions (Current general weather conditions)
- 10 Day Forecast (Extended forecast with graphical hourly and daily displays)
- Planting Conditions (Displays Hourly and Daily Field Accessibility and Canopy Wetness)
The 10 Day Forecast tab now provides a streamlined extended forecast as well as graphical displays. Clickable day cards and printable Daily and Hourly graphs are available. Graphed data still includes:
- Precipitation Accumulation
- Soil Temperatures
- Wind Speeds
- Surface Air Temperature

In addition, within Field Conditions, the Planting Conditions tab now includes both the Hourly and Daily Field Accessibility and Canopy Wetness graphical display than can be expanded and/or printed.
Spray Advisor - Has kept its valuable criteria selections with a slightly updated look. Once the spraying criteria have been entered, click the “Submit” button and the Daily Spray Window summary appears. The user is also able to click on the subsequent date tabs to view when criteria has been met for spray conditions. The option to print off each graph is also available.
Soils – This component now includes two tabs, Soil Moisture & Topsoil Temp and Soil Composition. The Soil Moisture & Topsoil Temp tab will display 14 and 100 days of data that can be printed.
Historical Weather – This feature appears in a user-friendly display that allows you to search for a single date, 7 day range, or custom range to view historical weather daily or hourly.
- The Search button will allow the user to switch between the data options.
- The “X” icon above the chart will allow you to download the data, upon which the farmer can save, or print off for their records.
- Choosing the 7 Day Range data option will also display the weather conditions for that time range, as well as graphical Daily Topsoil Temp and Moisture, Daily Precipitation Accumulation, and Daily High/Low Dew Point displays that can be expanded and printed off.

You already provide the excellent customer service your farmers deserve, and you can provide even more with Field Insights!
Additional Resources:
- Field Insights™: Harvest Advisor
- Field Insights™: Soil Map Layers and Field Conditions
- Bring your farmers the best in field technology with Field Insights™ Field Conditions
- Let your farmers know they can sign up for Hail Notifications too!
- Farmer Tools - Weather Metrics
- Mobile Policy Management
- Field Insights YouTube Video Tutorials
- Field Insights Training Suite
- Agent Tips and Tricks